Margex is your reliable way to trade digital assets with up to 100x Leverage. Margex offers a broad range of powerful tools to harness your trading skills and boost profits. SecurityMargex combines the very best of digital assets and bank-grade security standards. Our users funds are fully protected, 100% of the assets are stored in cold offline wallets.User-friendly interfaceOur high-class interface is recognised as one of the best when it comes to digital assets trading: «Margex has created a quality platform for trading digital assets derivatives. We were most impressed by the exchange’s design and overall user experience, which is truly first-class.» by Emma Avon ( in every positionAll information is at your disposal. From order submission to order execution - you are in complete control: Quantity, Margin, Current Price, EST Liq. Price, Take Profit / Stop Loss, Commission, Funding, PnL, ROE. Everything is under your control and any changes are executed in milliseconds. Protecting our clients from price manipulationMP Shield™ is a unique AI-based development, combining data from 12+ liquidity providers, and monitoring the feed for irregularities in order to protect our users from the price manipulation that often causes unfair liquidations on other trading platforms.Download Margex – Trade digital assets with Up to 100x. Trade digital assets with up to 100x Leverage in your pocket.[Minimum supported app version: 4.3.5]Unlock the power of digital asset trading